Do you ever feel a dull, tight, achy, stiff pain between your shoulder blades in your mid back that just seems impossible to stretch out? Good news! It is not impossible. You may just not be stretching the correct area. When I have patients experiencing mid back pain or discomfort, they seem to have tried…
Fix Your Low Back Pain
Low back pain can originate from different parts of the spine. In order to fix your low back pain, it is helpful to understand the anatomy of the spine. The bony parts of your spine are known as vertebrae. The soft discs between each vertebrae are called intervertebral discs. These discs are kind of like…
The Bridge: The Essential Glute and Core Stabilization Exercise
People often ask me what my favorite exercises are to decrease low back pain. While no one exercise is perfect for everyone, I want to spend some time talking about the bridge. In this article, you’ll learn how bridge works and several variations to try.…