Posts tagged: body mechanics

3 Tips from the Pros for Decreasing Postpartum Hip and Back Pain

Post partum low back and hip pain are frequent complaints we receive from patients that have just had a baby. This is often caused by a combination of overstretched and weakened muscles that result from a growing belly.   Here are some easy tips to help minimize the pain.   Tip #1: Brace Yourself!  …

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What is the Best Way to Treat Low Back Pain?

Back pain affects millions of people each year and is the second most common reason for disability. There are many ways to treat back pain, including medications, injections, and surgery. The latest scientific reviews report that the most effective way to treat low back pain is a multidisciplinary approach that combines exercise, mindfulness training, spinal…

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Chiropractor vs. Physical Therapist: What’s the difference and who do I choose?

I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked by patients about my opinion on Chiropractors and whether they should be seeing both a physical therapist and a Chiropractor. Physical Therapy and Chiropractic treatments share many similar qualities which can be confusing, even to clinicians, to explain the difference. Both Physical Therapists and…

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Bras and Back Pain: How correct fit can make a big difference.

Ahh breasts, beautiful but burdensome. Back pain is the number one condition that physical therapists treat and often what we wear (or don’t) under our clothes can have an impact on our posture, and thus, on our back pain. Breasts are heavy! Check out this chart from Wikihow Bra sizes 32A, 30B, 28C = about…

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